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S. Korea's National Assembly kicks off annual audit of government bodies
S. Korea's National Assembly kicks off annual audit of government bodies
S. Korea's National Assembly to begin annual audit of government bodies over next 20 days
S. Korea's National Assembly to begin annual audit of government bodies
National Assembly kicks off parliamentary audit of government bodies
National Assembly kicks off parliamentary audit of government bodies
National Assembly kicks off parliamentary audit of government bodies
National Assembly to begin annual audit of government bodies
Parliamentary audit kicks off Tuesday for 20 days ′국회의 꽃 국감′ 오늘부터 20여일간 시작, 부실
Parliamentary audit kicks off Tuesday for 20 days ′국회의 꽃 국감′ 오늘부터 20여일간 시작, 부실
National Assembly to begin annual audit of government bodies
National Assembly continues with audit of government bodies